Sunday, November 14, 2010

Teach Old Dogs New Tricks

Two weeks in the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah was quite the experience. Watching 2,400 young men and women preparing to go out into the world was amazing; each one committed to spend a significant part of their life to that point taking the joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. Our big shock was going from a wonderfully comfortable home with tons of conveniences, daily TV news and any food we wanted to a small room with a bed and two desk chairs and no real news. We loved our two weeks at the MTC with highlights that included devotionals where the singing was amazing, especially "Called to Serve" and the miracle of feeding 2,400 people each meal was terrific. The smiles and appetites of the young missionaries were both huge. It will be two weeks we will never forget, especially our instructors that taught us about how best to go out and serve our brothers and sisters across the globe. We were part of 20+ senior couples learning their roles as service/humanitarian missionaries, doing everything for healthcare to delivering wheelchairs....and for us it is helping the unemployed, under-employed, untrained and those in despair. What a cool opportunity. We were the only couple going to Europe. The others were going to China, Indonesia, Nepal, South Africa, and many South America countries.
There was a small crew at the SLC airport to wish us bon voyage and it worked....we had a great trip!